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Описание Продукта
Extended Exchange Option: assumption of the material or repair costs for rectification of a material defect according to choice by Siemens (replacement delivery or repair) after expiry of the warranty, excluding any further rights and claims. A runtime from 6 up to max. 48 months can be chosen. You can obtain the EEO GTC from your Siemens contact person, who will also calculate the number of EEO Units/MLFBs to be ordered for you. 1x EEO Unit corresponds to 1x MLFB. ******************************* Consignee e-mail address required for delivery.
Заказной Номер (Артикл)
Количество в упаковке
Вес Нетто (Кг)
Не доступный
Все характеристики
Extended exchange option: assumption of the material or repair costs for rectification of a material defect according to choice by siemens (replacement delivery or repair) after expiry of the warranty, excluding any further rights and claims. a runtime from 6 up to max. 48 months can be chosen. you can obtain the eeo gtc from your siemens contact person, who will also calculate the number of eeo units/mlfbs to be ordered for you. 1x eeo unit corresponds to 1x mlfb. ******************************* consignee e-mail address required for delivery.


Описание Продукта
Extended Exchange Option: assumption of the material or repair costs for rectification of a material defect according to choice by Siemens (replacement delivery or repair) after expiry of the warranty, excluding any further rights and claims. A runtime from 6 up to max. 48 months can be chosen. You can obtain the EEO GTC from your Siemens contact person, who will also calculate the number of EEO Units/MLFBs to be ordered for you. 1x EEO Unit corresponds to 1x MLFB. ******************************* Consignee e-mail address required for delivery.
Заказной Номер (Артикл)
Вид продуктов
Extended Exchange Option for Automation Systems
Жизненный Цикл Продукта (PLM)
PM300: Активный продукт

Информация поставки

Количество в упаковке
Вес Нетто (Кг)
Не доступный
Единица Измерения Упаковки
Не доступный
Единицы Измерения
1 шт.
Плановый срок отгрузки с завода (раб. дни)
1 День

Дополнительная информация о продукте

Группа Продукта
Каталог ID
Код группы
Страна происхождения
Товарный код
Не доступный

Коммерческие данные

Ценовая Группа / Ценовая Группа